What is Digital Signage? – Beginner’s Guide

Digital Signage Displays Busy Boulevard Japan

Digital signage refers to the use of electronic displays to show content, such as text, images, video, and other multimedia. It is a form of out-of-home advertising that can be found in a variety of locations, including malls, airports, hospitals, schools, and storefronts. In this article, we will define what is digital signage and provide you with useful information about how you can use this technology in your organization.


Digital Signage Explained

Digital signage refers to the use of electronic displays or screens to display information, advertising, or other content in a public space. This technology has a long history, with some early forms dating back to the 1960s. However, it was not until the late 1990s and early 2000s that digital signage began to gain widespread adoption thanks to the adoption of the internet and new flat-screen technology.


Today, digital signage is used in a wide variety of settings, including airports, retail stores, restaurants, and other public spaces, to provide information, promote products or services, and engage with customers. Below, you can find the main roles and functions of digital signage explained.


Roles and Functions

Digital signage has a wide range of applications that enable businesses to achieve a number of objectives. The following are some of the most popular applications:

  • Public information: News, weather, traffic, and local (location-specific) information, including building directories with maps, fire exits, and traveler information, are all examples of public information.
  • Internal communication: corporate communications about health and safety, the latest news, and other internal information.
  • Product information: In food marketing, where signs may include nutritional statistics, suggested uses, or recipes, product information—including pricing, photographs, raw materials or ingredients, and other information—is particularly helpful.
  • Enhancing customer experience: Interpretive signage in museums, galleries, zoos, parks and gardens, exhibitions, and tourism and cultural sites provides information to improve the customer service experience.
  • Promotion and Advertising: Using the sign’s placement or the screen’s audience reach for general advertising are two ways to advertise and promote goods and services.
  • Branding: Building a brand’s identity using an in-store digital sign is known as brand building.
  • Influencing customers’ decision-making process: Navigation, pointing customers in other directions, extending their “dwell time” on the store’s property, and a wide range of other uses are all used to influence customer behaviour.
  • Navigation: Using interactive displays (on the floor, for instance, like “informational footsteps” seen in some tourist sites, museums, and the like) or other methods of “dynamic navigation.”
  • Reservations: Employees can reserve the area for a brief period using reservations, which are small, interactive panels on desks or walls that work with a platform for scheduling rooms and resources.


Reasons to Use Digital Signage for Your Organization

One of the main advantages of digital signage is that it allows for the display of dynamic and up-to-date content. Instead of having to manually update a physical sign or poster, the content on a digital display can be easily changed and updated remotely. This means that businesses and organizations can quickly and easily share important information with their customers or employees.


Digital signage can also be interactive, allowing viewers to interact with the display using touch screens or other input devices. This can be a useful feature for providing information, such as wayfinding directions or menus, and can also be used for customer engagement and data collection.


There are several different types of digital signage, including LCD and LED displays, kiosks, and projectors. The most appropriate type of digital signage will depend on the location, the intended audience, and the specific needs of the business or organization.



In summary, digital signage is a powerful tool for displaying dynamic and interactive content to a wide audience. It is used in a variety of locations and has the ability to quickly and easily share important information with viewers. We hope that our piece has provided you with enough information about what is digital signage.


Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Signage

What are some common applications of digital signage?

Some common applications of digital signage include public information, internal communication, product information, enhancing the customer experience, promotion and advertising, branding, influencing customers’ decision-making process, navigation, and reservations.

How does digital signage differ from traditional signage?

Digital signage differs from traditional signage in that it uses electronic displays or screens to display content, rather than physical signs or posters. Digital signage also allows for the display of dynamic and up-to-date content that can be easily changed and updated remotely.

Can digital signage be interactive?

Yes, digital signage can be interactive, allowing viewers to interact with the display using touch screens or other input devices. This can be used for providing information, such as wayfinding directions or menus, and can also be used for customer engagement and data collection.


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